Attack Complexity and Assurance Levels
One of the challenging aspects of defining a security strategy is to define how complex an attack you need to defend against. Over the years, I've seen far too many organizations that are trying to build complex reverse engineering capabilities to dissect potential malware, while leaving 85% or more of their environment unpatched, not implementing strong 2-factor authentication, or failing to perform basic hardening. Security is very often mostly about doing the basics well. If you cannot tell the board that you know who all the global root users are - including the ones that could become global root easily - implementing a complex data loss prevention solution is probably not the item that should be at the top of your list. One of the challenges in security is thinking through the threat environment we are facing. Typically, we can never measure anything with absolute certainty in security, and there is opinion in everything, but one thing that seems to work is bucketing things ...